Argentine Author Alicia Steimberg Presents "Women and Literature"


Contributed by Annette Levine

As part of the Women's History Month celebration, acclaimed Argentine author Alicia Steimberg will give a talk about her own experiences as a woman author in Latin America.

Please join us on Tuesday, March 21, at 4:00 p.m. in the Clark Lounge of the Campus Center. For further information, please contact Annette Levine: [].

Internationally renowned author Alicia Steimberg was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1933. Her first book, Musicians and Watchmakers (Musicos y Relojeros) was published in 1971 and earned her acclaim in two prestigious literary contests. She has since published nine books along with short stories and articles for anthologies, newspapers, and magazines. Steimberg's work grapples with the overarching themes of gender, nationality, language, humor, erotica, memory, and trauma while often centering on female protagonists. Two new books by Ms. Steimberg are due to come out this year: Aprender a Escribir (Teaching Yourself to Write), a work of non-fiction; and a novel entitled Julia's Music.

This event is free and open to the public.