"Leadership Tips from the Dugout: Lessons from Baseball" Presented by Brian McAree
Thursday, March 23
12:05 to 1:00 p.m.
Klingenstein Lounge
Earns credit towards the "Leading Others" Certificate
Besides being considered our national pastime, baseball can also offer some valuable lessons on leadership. From building a solid team, to emphasizing fundamentals and minimizing errors, to winning a pennant, leadership tips abound for those who pay close attention to how the game should be played. Come on out to the ballpark, and learn what every good manager should know about the essentials of good leadership.
Questions? Contact the CSLI at (607) 274-3222
About the Student Leadership Institute
The Center for Student Leadership and Involvement announces Spring 2006 series for the Student Leadership Institute. This free program is an ongoing series of workshop sessions designed around topics in leadership and is intended for all Ithaca College students. Designed with flexibility and varied levels of involvement in mind, the Institute allows students to choose their level of participation by attending as many leadership sessions as they wish based upon their own interests.
Although not required, those students attending multiple sessions have the option to earn one of the leadership certificates. The leadership certificates are designed to provide students with a tangible incentive for participation in the leadership sessions, and to recognize students who invest time and energy into developing their leadership knowledge and skills. The individual leadership certificates are designed around broad topics in leadership and are earned upon completion of the outlined requirements for each certificate. Certificates are earned over the course of one to four years based upon the scheduling of the related leadership sessions and the attendance of the interested student.
Current certificates include :
“Leading Self”
“Leading Others”
“Leadership in a Diverse World”
Additional certificates will be introduced as the program grows. To learn more about the Student Leadership Institute , visit the Center website at www.ithaca.edu/csli and click on ‘Leadership.’ If you’d like to receive regular updates about the Student Leadership Institute and individual leadership sessions, you can join the SLI listserv by going to the MajorCool E-Mail List Manager at http://lists.ithaca.edu/cgi-bin/majordomo and subscribing yourself to sli@lists.ithaca.edu.