The 2008 Class Council will hold elections for its officers for the 2006-2007 academic year on Monday, April 24, 2006.
They will take place during the regular Class Council meeting; 7:00 p.m. in the Campus Center Seminar Room.
The purpose of this organization is to promote and foster a sense of community in the Ithaca College Class of 2008 by providing activities and class wide events that are open to all members of the class.
Those eligible to run for an officer position include those who have attended an information session with the previous Executive Board and are members of the Class of 2008. Information sessions will be held as part of the regular class council meeting on Monday, April 3rd and April 10th. These meetings are held at 7:00 p.m. in the Campus Center Seminar Room. If you are unable to attend either of these meetings, you may schedule a meeting by contacting Shayna Margolis at
The position description for each officer is listed below.
The President – The job of the president will be to conduct meetings in an orderly fashion and to oversee the members and the other members of the Executive Board.
The Vice President – The job of the vice president will be to play an active role in the functioning of the organization and to serve as acting president when the president is incapacitated.
The Secretary – The job of the secretary will be to keep an orderly record of all meetings through the Meeting Minutes and maintain all other paperwork involved with the Council.
The Treasurer – The job of the treasurer will be to oversee all financial operations of the organization and handle all currencies that pass through the organization.