Bursar's Benefit Auction: Top 10 Reasons To Come To the Auction


Contributed by Anne Woodard

How is your stash of available money for the auction coming along? Better take back some more bottles and cash in those rebate slips. The auction is this Wednesday. Hard to believe, but the auction is just a few days away and items are STILL coming in! Wait till you see all the great loot that could be yours! As we head down to the finish line, we thought we'd give you our top 10 reasons to make sure you don't miss this great event.

Why should you come to the auction? Consider the following top 10 reasons.

#10: The Bursar's Office is getting mighty cramped. We need our office back! Please help us by buying up all the auction items surrounding us!
#9: Support your fellow IC community members by buying up the wonderful items they have made for you! You won't believe the talent walking amongst us!
#8: You can impress your friends and family by being seen in the front row of the Dr. Phil Show!
#7: You can snag a bunch of dining gift certificates and go a whole week without having to do your own cooking or washing your own dishes!
#6: You can brag to all your friends that you have seen the "Sam & Duane Show" live! See them fast before they go on the road!
#5: You can cover your walls with original quilts, wall hangings, paintings, and photos and pass them off as your own!
#4: You can buy a beautifully wrapped basket chock full of neat goods, and give it as a gift to someone who will admire your cleverness and creativity!
#2: You can feel all warm & fuzzy for supporting 2 terrific causes...the Tompkins County SPCA (the dogs & cats will thank you!) and Hospice of Ithaca
#1: WE JUST GO ANOTHER iPOD TO AUCTION OFF! If you don't win the raffle (done midway into the auction), bid on this iPOD in the live auction!

To recap the important highlights: The auction will be held on Wednesday, March 29, in the Clark Lounge of the Campus Center. Preview and silent auction will be held from 10:00 a.m. to noon, followed by the live auction, featuring Sam and Duane, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. In addition there will be prize balloons sold for $5/$10/$15, each one guaranteeing you a prize equal to or over the price of the balloon. There will be some great items in there! Want to participate but can't get there? Contact the Bursar's Office for "bidding proxies," your own personal bidder! Worried about how you can pay? We will accept cash, checks, and credit cards! Come early and participate in the 50/50 raffle. The winner gets 1/2 the proceeds and the charities get the other 1/2. Contact the Bursar's Office for information on viewing auction items on line, or stop by our raffle tables in Job Hall Friday and Textor Hall Monday and Tuesday to pick up a slip with the link (as you buy more raffle tickets). The iPod winner will be announced around 12:45 p.m., and the chocolate basket and 50/50 raffle winners will be announced at the end of the auction.

The Bursar's Office staff and student employees, along with Sam and Duane, would like to thank you all for your support of our auction. See you soon!

