Bursar's Benefit Auction: Get Those Bidding Arms Ready


Contributed by Anne Woodard

With just a few days left until the Bursar's Benefit Auction, we thought we'd leave you with a little ditty for inspiration. Sing the following to the tune of "Take Me Out To The Ball Game" as you pad your wallet and head towards the Clark Lounge on Wednesday.

Take me out to the auction,
Take me out to the fun,
Buy me a bunch of balloons to pop,
Buy me a raffle, I'll never stop!

Cuz it's bid, bid, bid on the goodies,
There's lots of loot you can own!
And it's once, twice, three times you'll bid,
Till your money's blown!

There you have it! The Bursar's Benefit Auction will be held on Wednesday, March 29, in the Clark Lounge of the Campus Center. Silent auction and preview will be from 10:00 a.m. to noon, followed by the live auction (also known as the "Sam and Duane Show") from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Raffles and prize balloons will be sold throughout the event. We will accept cash, checks, and credit cards for your purchases. Money raised will be split between the Tompkins County SPCA and Hospice of Ithaca. You can preview our items at our special auction website. Contact the Bursar's Office for the link.

Wednesday is supposed to be warm and sunny. What better way to welcome real spring-like weather than to head over to the auction. Grab your friends and see you there.

