Use of Security Cameras


Contributed by Brian McAree

During the Fall Semester, Brian McAree, vice president for student affairs and campus life, Bob Holt, director of public safety, Bill Ferguson, associate director of public safety, and student representatives from The Erase the Hate Task Force attended meetings of the Student Government Association, Faculty Council, and Staff Council to seek feedback related to the ideas of installing security cameras on campus to assist in the prevention and/or investigation of campus incidents/crimes. In addition, SGA sponsored an open campus forum on this topic on February 8, 2006 during which students took the opportunity to share their views and reactions.

After hearing from the campus community, the President’s Council has approved the recommendation that the Office of Public Safety be given permission to purchase a certain number of cameras that can be installed for a period of time in specific locations on campus as Public Safety determines to be appropriate. These security cameras would not necessarily be installed permanently, but could be installed for a certain length of time (short or long) depending on a clear pattern of incidents occurring in or around a certain location on campus.

This issue and recommendation was also shared with the President's Advisory Committee on Diversity and was endorsed by them at their meeting on March 23, 2006.