Help create the criteria for the Class of 2006 Scholarship


Contributed by Lynne Pierce

Who will receive the first Class of 2006 Scholarship?

If you are a member of the Class of 2006, please join the Senior Class Gift Committee on Thursday, April 13, 2006 at 12:15 p.m. in CNS 112 to provide your feed back on the criteria to be used in awarding our class gift - the Class of 2006 Scholarship.

If you have feed back on what criteria should be used, but can not attend this meeting, please send your ideas to Lynne Pierce at

We have already raised over $20,000 for this scholarship endowment, and those dollars will be matched by the Emerson Foundation. This means that will have at least a $2,000 award to give in our class's name each year. Congratulations and keep up the good work!