Don't forget to get your tickets to the biggest a cappella event of the year!
Acappellooza, hosted by Ithacappella, is THIS Saturday (April 8th) at 7:30pm at the State Theatre. Come celebrate Ithacappella's tenth anniversary with great performances by Premium Blend, the Binghamton Crosbys, and the Skidmore Sonneteers, as well as guest performances by some of your favorite Ithacappella alumni!
Tickets are available at Dillingham Center, the Clinton House, or Willard Straight Hall, online via, or by calling the Clinton House at 273-4497. Prices are $7.50 for students/seniors and $12 for adults. A portion of proceeds will benefit VH1's Save the Music Foundation, which provides assistance to schools with little or no music program.
Acappellooza is appropriate for all ages. Don't miss it...a show this good only comes around once every decade!