iMPrint publishes first April edition


Contributed by Christopher Baxter

iMPrint Magazine: College Life's Internet Magazine, broke its record set in Nov. 2005 for visitors in one month during March 2006. This week's issue is already on its way to breaking that new record...

iMPrint will now be updating each week with new content. Students and faculty alike are encouraged to subscribe to iMPrint's weekly newsletter to stay informed.

Here's a look at this week's stories:

College students bring solar power innovation into the fast lane
By Sara E. Howard, News Editor

This past summer, Kansas State University sophomore Tyler Coverdale went on the ultimate road trip. He and his friends drove from Austin, TX to Calgary, Alberta, Canada. They slept in a cornfield, on a grassy median and in a city park, among other places.

Except, when it was Tyler’s turn to drive, his friends weren’t sleeping in the back seat. They were following behind him in a van. Tyler never had to stop for gas, either. His car was solar-powered. The worldwide leader in facelifts?
By Dan Cassavaugh, iMPrint Writer

“The worldwide leader in sports” recently renovated its previously great website. Unfortunately, the alterations don’t live up to the high standard ESPN has established in the sports world.

ESPN, which is owned by Disney, introduced ESPNU – a network based solely on collegiate athletics – in March 2005. Within a year of ESPNU’s launch, underwent a full facelift.

Fighting poverty with just one click
By Sara E. Howard, News Editor

What if every morning, right after you rolled out of bed and booted up your computer, you could fight global poverty? What if you knew you could do it in fifteen seconds or less?

For college students participating in the fifth annual Oxfam Collegiate Click Drive, the possibility is just a click away.

Take a Side: College basketball players should be paid
By Andrew Zivic, iMPrint Writer

Vince Young fakes the pass, pulls the ball down and runs for the game-winning touchdown in the national championship game. Those connected with Texas are smiling as one of the greatest players in its storied history has led the Longhorns to a national title.

The higher-ups at the school had reason to smile much earlier – as soon as the BCS announced that Texas would participate, in fact. With the chance to claim a national title also came $3.5 million from the BCS directly to Texas and another $14.9 million distributed among the Big 12 conference teams.

Drug of choice:
By Eric Raue, iMPrint Writer

When the answer to how to treat a nasty case of dorm room boredom is “anything but homework,” many college students turn to the Internet. Eventually, though, Instant Messenger is bound to get repetitive.