Weight Watchers at Work Postponed


Contributed by Christine Haase

Originally scheduled for April 4, 2006, the 16-week session has been postponed. This opportunity to begin – or to continue – working on your fitness goals before summer fully sets in will be available for a limited time. There is still plenty of room for you to join us. The session will be scheduled as soon as we get at least 15 prepaid registrations.

Can’t pay for the session upfront? Take advantage of payroll deduction and pay in more manageable installments during the course of the session.

Can’t stay for all the meetings during the session? Members who join At Work series may attend any other meeting in the area at no additional charge by showing their attendance book.

Leaving IC before the 16-week session ends? You can finish out the series in your new location at no additional cost by showing your attendance book, as long as the 16-week series is paid in full at the time of your departure.

Please contact Christine Haase, the campus coordinator, for registration instructions.

Don’t wait – start now! Do it for you!

