The Bursar's Office is pleased to announce that our fourth annual Bursar's Benefit Auction was a huge success, raising $4200 to be split between the Tompkins County SPCA and Hospice of Ithaca. We couldn't have done it without all of your help and support, and many, many thanks are in order! We would like to thank the folks listed below in particular, and also to congratulate our raffle winners also listed below...
*First and foremost, we would like to thank our fabulous auctioneers, Sam Lapp and Duane Corbin. Are these guys funny or what? Their unique sense of humor and uncanny ability to shake money out of everyone in the room continues to amaze us...they are terrific!
*Our incredible student employees did so much to help us! From signs to wrapping baskets to lugging massive chocolate baskets around to helping us at every turn, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We are so proud of all of you, and so lucky to have you in our ranks! Thank you to Allison, Beth, Chrissy, Hy, Jenn, Joanna, Laura & Stephanie!
*To everyone who donated items, bought items, did both, or just showed up to see the "Sam & Duane Show", thank you for helping us support 2 worthy causes, and for helping us let the greater Ithaca area know that Ithaca College truly cares!
*Kris Slaght helped us once again with all the auction set up, and she is incredibly organized and efficient. Thanks, Kris!
*Kris Shields and Jonathan and the folks in Conference & Event Services took such good care of us, from beginning to end, and did not hesitate to help us in any way that they could. You are top notch all the way!
*Sybil Conrad and Lori Becker provided such help to us with balloon and raffle logistics and permits-I think we finally have it down, thanks to your good guidance!
*Matt Hoover of the Ithacan, Chris Wheatley at WICB-FM, and the staff at Intercom were terrific in helping us get the word out about the auction! We sure appreciate all your hard work and publicity!
*Catering and Food Service made sure that we were perked up with lots of coffee and tea, and gave us that extra boost we needed the day of the auction.
*The moving crew were ever so careful with our auction items, and made sure all arrived in Clark Hall safely and early enough for us to get them set up and arranged nicely.
*Last, but not least, the Bursar's Office staff did a sensational job of pulling off another successful auction at a time that was very challenging for us. Your loyalty, team work, good humor, and enthusiasm are a class act all the way. I am so very grateful and proud to work with each and every one of you! Thank you Barbie, Becky, Betty, Dave, Jesse, Mary K, Mary L, Kathie, Kathie and Terri!
And now for the winners of the raffles:
Brian Pealo of physical plant won the iPOD
Roger Casterline of physical plant won the 50/50 raffle ($175)
Pat Woodworth of computer science won the chocolate basket
Anne Woodard guessed the correct number of candies in the jar...& quickly passed off all that candy to some special students who needed it for energy during finals!
Thanks again, & see you at Auction 2007!