Carl Sgrecci, vice president for finance and administration
Brian McAree, vice president for student affairs and campus life
Site preparation in front of Job Hall for construction of the new School of Business building will begin later this month. As part of this work, the west portion of E-lot from the flag pole in front of Textor to Friends and Job Halls will be permanently taken off line. Also during construction, which is expected to continue through the summer of 2007, P-lot in front of Dillingham Center will be reserved exclusively for Admission visitors, service and construction vehicles. These changes will go into effect on Monday, April 24.
Our surveys indicate that the loss of these spaces can be accommodated in other existing parking lots as they are currently allocated between employees and students. However, to provide a margin of safety, the College has rented additional spaces in Y-lot located opposite the route 96B entrance to the College. The 214 spaces there are available to all employees, students and other authorized campus visitors, and are clearly marked for Ithaca College parking. Other changes associated with the construction effort are as follows:
We regret the inconvenience these significant changes in parking will cause members of the College community. However, they are adjustments to which we must all get accustomed in order to facilitate the construction of this exciting new addition to our campus. Once again, these changes will be effective Monday, April 24. We suggest you allow more time to arrive at your campus destination during the first few days while new traffic and parking patterns get established. We will continue to monitor the situation on a regular basis to determine if any further adjustments might be necessary.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation.