The Career Services Office is now accepting applications to become a Peer Career Advisor for 2006-2007. The deadline to apply is Friday, April 14 2006 at 5:00 p.m. Applications are available at or in the Career Services Office (located in Gannett Center on the first floor).
There is no experience necessary in order to apply. As a peer career adviser, you will not only be assisting other students in their career development plan, but you will also be benefiting yourself in the process! You will be able to develop marketable communication and interpersonal skills, learn to critique cover letters and resumes, and work directly with recruiters and potential employers.
Being a Peer Career Advisor is an incredible way to help peers and to learn about the career resources available for a job or internship search. It is *never* too early to start exploring careers. We encourage creative, motivated, energetic students to consider applying for this program.
For more information, please contact Robert Earl at 607-274-3365, or email by email at