Earth Week at Ithaca College


Contributed by Andres Perez Charneco

The Ithaca College Environmental Society (ICES), along with all its co-sponors, proudly announces Earth Week 2006!

Earth Week starts April 17th and runs till April 23rd with a variety of speakers, teach-ins, and field trips for the whole Ithaca College Community. Below is a schedule of all the events:

April 17th-April 23rd: Earth Flag

See the Earth Flag fly over the Ithaca College campus all week long! Just go to the Academic Quad flagpole for a look.

Monday April 17th: Earth Week Sustainability Speaker-Mark Hertsgaard

Come listen to noted environmental author and independent journalist Mark Hertsgaard give his talk "Three Feet of Water: Global Warming and How We Can Beat It" at 8pm in the Emerson Suites.
Mr. Hertsgaard is the environmental correspondent for The Nation (magazine) as well as a frequent contributor to the Los Angeles Times and San Franciso Chronicle. He is the author of four books most notable being Earth Odyseey. A Q & A and book signing will follow the talk. Contact Garik at aperezc1@ithaca.for more info.

Tuesday April 18th: ICES Open Mic Night

ICES presents another arts event in its successful Earth's Muse Open Mic Night series. Come listen to poetry, acoustic guitar, live bands, and fiction reading along with dance troupes and comedy! Entries do not have to focus on the environment, but are encouraged. The event is free and at the IC Square from 7pm-10pm. Contact Amanda at for information and the chance to sign up!

Wednesday April 19th: Vegetarian Teach-In 2: The Second Course

Learn about the positive social and environmental benefits of local and vegetarain food at the free event. Free food will be provided by Greenstar Co-Op to all those that RSVP at Listen to a panel of IC and community members talk about the environmental benefits of vegetarian food. The dinner will be followed by a showing of the acclaimed documentary, The Future of Food. Contact Nicole Stumpf at for more information and RSVP at Food/discussion will be in the CNS atrium (The lobby on the ground floor by the sliding doors) from 6-8:30pm.

Thursday April 20th: Hemp Teach-In

Attend this outdoor educational event to learn about the differences between hemp and marijuana. See examples of all the products that can be produced in environmentally friendly ways through hemp fiber. Free hemp cord and beads will be provided so visitors can make their own hemp necklaces. Come to the Free Speech Rock from 12noon to 2pm for some positive action. Contact Jack Haurin at for more information.

Friday April 21st: Earth Fest 2006

Come see how the environment and issues of sustainability can apply to all causes. This massive tabling event in the North Foyer from 9am to 3pm features tables from diverse students organizations. The event features tables from ICES, SJP, ICFT, SFS, IC Feminists, STAND, REMP, ICNL, Amnesty International, Buzzsaw Haircut, and the Sustainably Conscious Living Community. Contact Garik at for more information.

Come to the wildflower preserve on Six Mile Creek for an ICES dish-to-pass Earth Week picnic. Help install bluebird houses with Friends of Six Mile Creek. Meet at 3:30pm at the Textor Flagpole for rides. Contact Julie at for more information.

Saturday Aprill 22nd: Museum of the Earth Field Trip!

Celebrate Earth Day by accompanying ICES to the Museum of the Earth. Hear a grabologist speak, see geothermal powering the museum, and the inner workings of an active compost heap! Meet at 11:30am at the Textor Flagpole for rides. Contact Amanda at for more information.

Sunday April 23rd: Ithaca Earth Day at the Ithaca Farmer's Market

Come celebrate the legendary Ithaca Earth Day at the Ithaca Farmer's Market. Enjoy all the usual benefits of a Sunday at the Farmer's Market along with a fashion show (featuring environmentally friendly materials), live music, compost workshops, and local plant eduication. Contact Lauren at for more information.

Contact with any general questions and feel free to explore our website: