Contributed by Tanisha Graves for Cindy Reckdenwald, Director of Compensation & Organizational Design
Having accurate job descriptions is an essential part of our compensation program. This is just a reminder that all information and forms related to the Compensation Review Project’s Job Description Analysis must be completed and forwarded to the Office of Human Resources by April 21, 2006.
We know that this is a busy time of year, and we appreciate the response to our request for review and revision to job descriptions, as many of our staff have already submitted their Confirmation Sheets and requests for changes.
This is an important phase of the compensation project, and we are available to answer questions or provide assistance in completing the Job Description Questionnaire and Responsibilities Worksheet. For more information regarding the Compensation Review Project, and to review all documents and information previously disseminated, please visit the Compensation website.
Please contact me, Cindy Reckdenwald, or Maura Fetsko, and we will be more than willing to aid you in this process. We can also be contacted at 274-3083 to schedule a meeting time.
Thank you.