Sustainability Cafe on Wind Energy on April 27


Contributed by Marian Brown

Dr. William J. Makofske, professor of physics at Ramapo College of NJ, will offer a discussion on "Wind Energy: Supplying Clean Energy for America" as the last sustainability café for the 2005-06 academic year. This Sustainability Café will be held on Thursday, April 27 from 12:10 to 1:00 p.m. in Room 112 in the Center for Natural Sciences. Bring a brown bag lunch and enjoy “teachable edible” snacks.

Large-scale modern wind technology has undergone rapid technological and cost improvements since the early 1980s, making it one of the most cost-effective renewable energy options for electricity today. At the same time, smaller-scale wind technology has also had a resurgence. However, the growth of both technologies has not been without controversy. This talk will provide a US and world overview of the current state and future promise of wind development, including technology, economics, environmental impacts, and social/political controversies.

Dr. William J. Makofske is Professor of Physics at Ramapo College of NJ where he teaches an array of courses on environmental physics and environmental computer modeling. His research interests have focused mainly on small-scale renewable energy technologies and sustainable building design. He has served on several NJ State task forces on renewable energy policy, including grid-connected renewable technologies, and the Renewable Energy Portfolio. He headed the construction and testing of several small wind generators at Ramapo College at the Alternative Energy Center, worked with the state DEP on their small wind program, and provided presentations at several symposia on wind energy.