Biology Students Present Research at ECSC


Contributed by Nancy Pierce

The Eastern College Science Conference is held each year in the northeast. The host institution changes year to year. The conference is designed specifically for undergraduates to present the results of their research in a friendly environment. All presentations are given by undergraduates.

This year the following students presented (under the supversion of their faculty member):

Bobby Rivard (Susan Swensen) “An assessment of computer plug-loads in the Center for Natural Sciences at Ithaca College”

Adam Gattis (Jason Hamilton) “Elevanted atmospheric CO2 alters trophic interactions among web-building spiders, insects and plants: a stable isotope analysis”

Scott Werneke (Andy Smith) “Metal interactions with slug glue proteins”

Nancy Andersen (Jean Hardwick) “Regulation of nitric oxide synthases expression in the guinea pig nerous system” (Poster Presentation)

Samantha Palmer (Marina Caillaud) “Craving for potatoes in caterpillars: is it induced by changes in gene expression?”