Recyclemania Results: 2006


Contributed by Mark Darling

Ithaca College finished number fourteen in the nation in the Recyclemania 2006 Grand Champion Contest ( with a recycling rate of 29.5%. Last year Ithaca finished tenth with a recycling rate of 28.9%. We are still number one in New York State, outpacing Hamilton College's thirty-fourth place finish and 17% recycling rate.

It was good news and bad news for Ithaca in Recyclemania 2006, a friendly competition among university recycling programs in the United States. Over a 10-week period, schools compete in different contests to see which institution can collect the largest amount of recyclables, the least amount of trash, and have the highest recycling rate. While our position slipped behinds last year's, the increase in the number of schools participating intensified the competition making this a respectable position and a solid recycling rate. And we did beat Harvard and Yale, again!

Credit for our strong finish belongs to the REMP Resource Reps. Thank these folks when you see them, for all their hard work and dedication: Jen Chen, Liz Gwinn, Jack Haurin, Bailey Lojek, Andres 'Garik' Perez-Charneco, Lysz Pickard, Nicole Stumpf, and Meredith Titterington. And a very special thanks to Amanda Block; it is because of her talent, commitment and boundless energy that the Resource Reps have been so totally awesome this year!