School of Business Welcomes a New Assistant Dean for Student Services


Contributed by Wendy Fonder

The School of Business is pleased to welcome Dr. Meg Nowak to the newly created position of Assistant Dean for Student Services.

Dr. Nowak holds a Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration from Boston College and a Master’s in Student Affairs Administration from Indiana State University. She has conducted research on transfer students, and brings extensive experience in academic advising and new student orientation to the position.

The position of Assistant Dean for Student Services is part of the business school’s recently reorganized administrative structure which takes effect on June 1. The new structure will consist of four academic department chairs, the Dean, the Assistant Dean for Student Services, and the Associate Dean for Academic Development and External Relations (a part-time position filled by a business faculty member who continues to teach in his/her area of expertise). Dr. Hormoz Movassaghi, Professor of International Business and the school’s Interim Associate Dean, has accepted a two-year appointment as the new associate dean.