The Center for Faculty Excellence will coordinate the formation of small groups of faculty or staff members who wish to meet regularly as they work on scholarly projects. The program is described here:
Katharine Kittredge has offered to help guide the formation of groups. Her communication to the campus community follows:
We are seeking IC faculty at any level (part-time, NTE, Assistant, Associate, Full) who are interested in being part of a small Scholars Working Group this summer. For the past two years, we have found the Working Group to be invaluable in helping us to make the summer transition from teaching to scholarship. Our current group meets every two weeks to discuss our projects (which range from presentations and articles to full-length books), give feedback and advice, and help each other set reasonable goals for the next two-week stretch of work. Mostly, we provide an interested and informed community of scholars for each other, and give a sense that we are not alone in our efforts.
Any IC community member who is currently involved in a scholarly project (or plans to do scholarly work over the summer) is invited to become part of a Working Group. A more detailed description of our format and philosophy can be downloaded at Anyone who is interested should contact Susanne Morgan [], who will act as a liaison for all interested individuals.
Katharine Kittredge
associate professor
Department of English