In Ithaca for the summer and want to get your hands dirty? Come participate in the thrid yearf for the ICES Organic Garden!
The Ithaca College Environmental Society (ICES) invites any Ithaca College community members staying over the summer to come help out with our organic garden. This summer marks our fifth year in the gardening on campus and our third at the current Williams Hall location.
Garden volunteers will get the first opportunity at collecting and enjoying fresh, homegrown, organic produce. Crops for this summer include: lettuce, peas, radishes, squash, tomatoes, carrots, pole beans, brocolli, kale, cosmos, herbs, strawberries, melons, nasturtiums, and much more!
No experience necessary! You can work in the garden at any time that best fits your schedule. You can come after work to unwind, work doing the lunch hour, or swing by in the morning to get your day started! Weekends are also open.
If interested, then please contact ICES at by May 14th.