IC Students Collaborate on Channel 102 Series


Contributed by Melissa Gattine

Four Ithaca College students created a show titled, “Running from Johnny Law” and submitted it to Channel 102 where it was ranked #1 for two months by Channel 102’s audience. The students produced a total of four episodes before being cancelled.

"Channel 102 works like a television network. People send in five-minute pilots, which screen in front of a live audience. This audience votes for the pilots they like best, and those shows are asked to make more episodes," said Joe Nicolosi, one of students involved in the show.

IC students involved in the show include:
Dan Silver, Culture and Comm. Major, who writes and acts for Johnny Law
Marc Calderaro, Writing/English major, who writes for the show
Bryan Kopp, Musical Theater major, who plays the shows main character
Joe Nicolosi, Cinema and Photography major, who directs and edits the show

For more information on Channel 102, visit: http:www.channel102.net

