Stephen Sweet's (sociology) article: "Dual Earners in Double Jeopardy: Preparing for Job Loss in the New Risk Economy" has been accepted for publication in the journal Research in the Sociology of Work. Phyllis Moen (University of Minnesota) and Peter Meiksins (Cleveland State University) co-authored the article with Sweet.
The study was based on statistical analysis of a representative sample of 1500 professional dual-earner couples, as well as indepth interviews with 125 couples who had either lost jobs or had one or both spouses laboring in insecure positions. Findings indicated that job insecurity is prevalent, that employers tend to provide little advance notification for job loss, and that workers rarely receive severence compensation. The problem of job loss is compounded by the fact that most professional workers' career options are tied to those of their working spouses. The end result is that as job insecurity has proliferated, the complexities of managing work-family concerns have escalated as well. The authors argue that stakeholders need to recognize the normalcy of career disruptions and the challenges of managing linked careers in an economy built on risk rather than stability.