Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Food Court Friday


Contributed by Anne Woodard

IC Hope, the campus Relay for Life team, invites you to follow the yellow brick road to the Food Court on Friday, May 19 at noon. Grab some food and head on over to the "glass room" (Oz???) to join your fellow community members as we make our plans for this year's Relay! With a Wizard of Oz theme this year, there are countless opportunities to have fun as you do something worthwhile for not only yourself but others! Come know you will have fun! See if we can stay up later than the kids!

In our fifth year of participation, IC Hope is once again looking forward to making a difference in lives throughout the area. Our team traditionally has been one of the top fundraisers, and we have had plenty of fun doing it! We cannot describe the cameraderie that takes place during the night as we all band together for a great cause. From midnight games of "Apples to Apples" to literally walking all night around the track (yes, we had four members who did that last year!). It is a terrific way to make a difference in the world. Don't worry...most of us only walk around the track for designated periods of time!

Please join us for the meeting this Friday to learn how you can be a part of this wonderful experience. Your team captains, Anne Woodard ( and Stan Seltzer ( are available to answer any questions you have. Hope to see you there, and don't forget your ruby slippers!