You will soon be noticing a change in the toilet paper and paper towels we provide on campus. This will include a change in the dispensers as well.
We are very excited about our move to Wasau Paper's EcoSoft Green Seal systems. Wasau Paper is a small division of BayWest which has three mills all located in the United States. One of their mills in Ohio manufactures the line of EcoSoft that we will be adopting here on campus. If you would like to read about their Green Seal manufacturing commitment go to:
All of the dispensers we are changing to are ADA compliant and the paper towel dispensers are touchless without the use of electricity or batteries. We were very impressed with the quality of the paper itself and are confident that you will be too. Happily all these pluses also come with a cost savings that we could not ignore. More information on the product can be found at the following link:
Please understand that the change out of all the dispensers throughout campus will take the entire summer and your usual bathroom may be down for a few hours the day it is scheduled to be switched out. It will be a small inconvienence but a large sustainability leap for our campus. Any questions, concerns or would like more information please feel free to contact Lisa Belokur in the Physical Plant office at 4-3767.