The Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival (FLEFF) at Ithaca College and the 7th Art Corporation, the non profit organization which operates Cinemapolis and Fall Creek Cinemas downtown, announce the launch of new collaborative partnership, The City Series.
The FLEFF/7th Art Corporation City Series is an on-going initiative. Commencing this summer, it connects first run US and international 35mm feature length films with scholars, artists and activists for community discussions. The City Series is designed to open up a way to think differently about what the words environment and sustainability can mean in an interconnected global context through vigorous post-screening discussion and debate. The City Series is dedicated to rethinking and reconceptualizing our definition of the environment.
Ithaca College faculty and Ithaca community speakers will lead public forums for audience discussion after the opening night screenings of selected feature films at Cinemapolis and Fall Creek Cinemas in downtown Ithaca.
The City Series explores how complex and diverse social, political, and artistic milieus mark the land, sea, and air. Through public discussion, it expands the definition of the environment from a limited and more singular conception based in nature towards a much broader and more pluralized construct of environments as complex, integrated systems.
The FLEFF/7th Art City Series kicks off on Friday, June 30, at 7:00 p.m. at Cinemapolis on the Ithaca Commons, with the opening night screening of the highly acclaimed and controversial feature length documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, directed by Davis Guggenheim. The film features Al Gore and probes the issue of global warming and climate change. The New York Times described the film as “one of the most exciting and essential movies of the year.”
Admission to this FLEFF/7th Art City Series screening and public forum is on a first come, first served basis. Ticket sales open at Cinemapolis at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, June 30.
Tom Shevory, co director of the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival and professor of politics, Jason Hamilton, assistant professor of biology, and Sean Vormwald, assistant director of alumni relations at Ithaca College will lead the post-screening public forum. Shevory, Hamilton, and Vormwald represented Ithaca College at the 2005 United Nations Climate Summit in Montreal.
Following the An Inconvenient Truth screening and public forum, be sure to join us for the FLEFF/7th Art After Gathering at Korova, 214 East State St. to continue the conversation. 21 plus.
FLEFF and the 7th Art Corporation are collaborative partners for the weeklong festival, slated for March 26-April 2, 2007.
For more information on the An Inconvenient Truth public forum, contact Tom Shevory,
For information and updates on the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival, visit us at
For information on The City Series screenings and events at Cinemapolis and Fall Creek, go to