Luminarias and T-shirts and Baskets...Oh My!


Contributed by Anne Woodard

IC Hope, our campus Relay for Life team, has just learned some very exciting news. We will be part of a national marketing campaign for the American Cancer Society. The Tompkins County Relay has been chosen as the only Relay in the country to be filmed for a part of the American Cancer Society's new marketing campaign. Our Relay will be filmed on location in Lansing July 14-15. In addition to the Relay, 5-7 survivors will be interviewed by phone and in person as part of the campaign, and three of those selected are part of the IC Hope team. What a tremendous opportunity to show the nation how Ithaca College cares! You can show how you care, too, by supporting the team's fundraising efforts and by showing up to lend support at the Relay. Don't wait for the winged monkeys to bring you to the Campus Center. Check out this schedule to see how and when you can help us:

The IC Hope team will be in the lobby of the Campus Center from 11-1 on the following dates: June 21, 26 and 28 and July 5, 10, and 12. If you have courage, a heart and a brain, you might want to check out our Wizard of Oz themed baskets in person or at our website ( before heading over to buy some raffle tickets on them. Trust me, you will really, really want to win these baskets! Want to honor someone facing cancer or to honor someone's memory? Buy one of our luminarias and have the pleasure of decorating it yourself with our colorful, permanent markers (IC Hope artists can help you if you are artistically challenged!). We will also be selling "Suns and Moons" which can honor loved ones with a small sign that will be displayed in the Bookstore or Bursar's Office windows. By now you have probably seen several folks walking around campus in our incredibly cute t-shirts and buttons, and have wanted them in the worst way! Weep no more, we will have those for sale as well!

Please support IC Hope as we raise funds to help fight cancer, and help us show the nation that Ithaca is tops! As always, we appreciate your help in any way that you can give it. Questions? Please contact either Anne Woodard ( or Stan Seltzer (, our team captains. Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore!