Career Services Throws Open The Vault


Contributed by John Fracchia

Imagine for a moment that you went to your local bank and they said to you, “We’re having a special on money today, step into the vault and take as much as you want. Oh and by the way, you don’t have to pay us back.” Tell the truth, it would probably rank as one of the greatest days of your life, right?

Well have we got some good news for you! No, we’re not going to give you access to a bank vault, but we will give you unlimited access to the Vault Online Career Library. This unique tool, created expressly for colleges and universities, combines the best aspects of the Vault series of career guides with the high-quality content of the website. With Vault, researching employers, industries, and career subjects is a breeze. Features include:

Career Services has thrown open the vault and all you have to do is walk inside! Check it out at: