Incoming Student Packages to be Held at the Mail Center and Phillips Hall Post Office


Contributed by Karen Serbonich

The recent renovations at the Phillips Hall Post Office have increased the space to hold student packages by 25%. We assessed the previous years’ volume and feel we now can store all packages at the Phillips Hall Post Office and the Mail Center eliminating the need to rent a storage trailer at the beginning of the semester. We will be staffing these locations the first two weekends of the semester beginning August 26 and will be increasing the available time students have to pick up their packages.

Other benefits of the change will be a decrease in time between when packages are received by the College and when they are available for pick up, elimination of the long lines in the summer sun students spent waiting at the storage trailer, and more effective communication between the Mail Center and the Phillips Hall station to locate student packages.

Departments handling calls from incoming students and their families on how to ship packages can instruct them to address them to the students name, campus address (if known), Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY 14850 or (if the campus address is unknown) name, incoming student, Ithaca College, 953 Danby Rd, Ithaca, NY 14850.

All packages shipped with tracking numbers will be processed on the Mail Service tracking system and students will receive an email in their College account informing them where to pick up their package(s). Additionally, students can be directed to the Mail Service web site and the student information link.

We do not accept Saturday delivery of packages from any of the couriers due to the late time in the afternoon/evening couriers have to deliver and make their time commitment.

Please contact Mail Services at 274-3371 with further questions.