Ithaca was well represented in the 4th annual Cayuga Lake Triathlon held at Taugannock Park in Trumansburg, NY on Aug 6, 2006. Andrew Getzin, MD, Kathy Davie, RN, Erica Weiss, RN, Monica Anderson, RN, Eldgride Anderson, MD, Kent Scriber, ATC, EdD, Kirk Swenson, Karen Hollands, Ryan Orser, Garrett Borden and Wendy Robertson, MD, were all involved.
Overall 600 athletes, 200 volunteers, and countless spectators enjoyed being involved in the 4th annual Cayuga Lake Triathlon on a beautiful sunny day Sunday Aug 6, 2006 in Trumansburg, NY. The athletes swam in glacial Cayuga Lake, biked along the wineries, and ran up to the falls and back. Athletes came from all over the country but were well represented from our IC community. Andrew Getzin, MD is the assistant race director and medical coordinator. Joining him in the medical tent from the Ithaca College health center were Kathy Davie, RN, Erica Weiss, RN, and Monica Anderson, RN. Kent Scriber, ATC, EdD, Professor of Exercise and Sport Sciences and Eldridge Anderson, MD, co-team orthopedist and Ithaca College Alum also volunteered medical coverage. Kirk Swenson, director of Campaign Planning and Karen Hollands, Head women's lacrosse coach raced and were joined by alumni Ryan Orser and Garrett Borden. The 5th annual Cayuga Lake Triathlon will be held on Sunday Aug 5, 2007 and it is never too early to think about getting involved whether it be competing or volunteering! For more information about the race go to