Weight Watchers @ Work Is Back


Contributed by Christine Haase

The summer picnics, pool parties and family reunions have past…for the time being.

Lurking around the corner now, however, are the holidays…again! Now is the time to get a plan in place to help you navigate the various food- and beverage-related challenges that are bound to be presented.

Originally begun on the Ithaca College campus in May 2000, the Weight Watchers @ Work program has seen several IC community members graduate to Lifetime status. At long last, Weight Watchers @ Work is back at IC!

Join us to learn how you can make healthful choices in your life for life.

Please send your completed registration form and payment to the on-campus coordinator, Christine Haase, Philosophy & Religion Department, Dillingham G9. Links to the forms are listed below.

Registration and payments must be received by Chris before the session will be scheduled, although the first payment will not be processed until the day the session actually begins.

A pre-registration session has been scheduled for Tuesday, 12 September 2006 in Administration Annex HR Meeting Room 124. Please bring your completed registration form, your chosen method of payment and any questions you may have.

A quick, easy, permanent and safe way to lose weight simply does not exist. There will always be a holiday, a party or some other event special to you just around the corner. This WW@W opportunity is about more than losing a desired amount of weight before a special event occurs. This is about learning how to make lifestyle changes today that work for you, which you can continue doing, and that will benefit you for the rest of your life -- in more ways than one. Join us to discover how!




