On Thursday, September 7, at 7:00 p.m. in the Clark Lounge of the Campus Center the Resource and Environmental Management Program (REMP)will be hosting an informational session about its newest volunteer program 'Resource Reps'.
Resource Representatives (Reps) are students interested in raising awareness among their peers about recycling, solid waste, composting, transportation, energy and water conservation, and other environmental issues. Reps distribute information, and create, coordinate and host activities in their residence halls, operating on the philosophy that we can reduce our harmful impact on the environment by making simple changes in our lifestyles. There will be food and prizes.
Join us in making our impact on the Earth positive.
Faculty and Staff are welcome to attend and learn how they can be a 'Rep' where they work.
For more information please e-mail us at irecycle@ithaca.edu. Thank you!