What's New with Dining Services?


Contributed by Julie Whitten

The Fresh Food Market is now open at Towers Dining Hall. Fresh Food Market features food that is natural, organic, locally grown, or sustainable. Jeff Scott, Dining Services General Manager reports, “Over the past few years Dining Services received a rising demand for healthier fare including wholesome, quality organics. I am proud to report that Ithaca College is one of few campuses to have organics consistently available for their students.”

Fresh Food Market also employs dedicated chef Puang-Ngern Deljoo “Pam”. The menu is evolving with the change in seasons, and all food is served to order making little waste. In addition to Fresh Food Market, the Towers Dining Hall is also featuring humane-certified, cage-free eggs.

Other improvements include: The Café at the Park School is now open. Operating Hours are: Monday – Thursday 8a.m. – 2p.m. and 6p.m. – 8p.m., Friday 8a.m. – 2p.m.

La Vincita now featuring New York Style personal pan pizzas. Additionally, La Vincita underwent a face lift to improve customer service; the coffee service line is now separate from the eatery line.

Another important change: all 20, 14, 10 meal plans now feature 3 guest passes per semester, utilize guest passes for friends, family, or even as an extra meal for the week.

Ithaca College Dining Services offers a variety of services including residential and retail dining. For more information regarding Ithaca College Dining Services explore our website at www.ithaca.edu/dining .

