Information Security


Contributed by Karen McGavin

Most members of our campus community have probably read or heard about several high-profile breaches of information security recently at private corporations, government agencies, and other institutions of higher learning.

In this modern era where we transact more and more business online, security of our computer systems and the integrity and confidentiality of the information they contain has become increasingly more important. So much so, in fact, that it was the number one priority initiative recommened by the Information Technology Planning and Advisory Committee (ITPAC) in their IT Strategic Plan submitted to the president last year. Information Security is also a high priority of the college auditors and the audit committee of the Board of Trustees.

Over the next few months, Information Technology Services will be announcing new programs aimed at increasing the security of campus information systems. Among these will be instructions about how to secure email messages during transmission and stronger password policies for access to our most sensitive information systems. While every effort will be made to make these programs as transparent and easy to implement as possible, they may still require some small change in the way many of you are used to doing business.

We hope that you will accept these changes in the spirit in which they are made, as necessary steps toward better security for our most sensitive information systems and data. While much of the onus of responsibility for securing college information assets rests on the shoulders of Information Technology Services, all of us must ultimately bear a share of that responsibility as we use this information in the day-to-day performance of our duties. We ask your patience and cooperation with this important endeavor. Thank you.