On Thursday, September 14, Capt. Tammy Megow-Jones of the United States Marine Corps. will be visiting campus to provide information about the Marine Corps Platoon Leaders Course and the Officers Candidate Course.
Captain Megow-Jones will be discussing these summer program which do not require military service after completion. Students interested in attending should RSVP to John Fracchia by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 13, 2006.
Time: 6:00 p.m. Location: Career Services Office (Gannett Center)
"The PLC summer course is six weeks for freshmen and sophomores. For juniors and seniors, the course is ten weeks. It is offered to all qualified college undergraduates. If you are an American citizen, a full-time enrolled student, and found to be medically and physically fit, then you may be eligible to participate in the PLC program." The OCC summer course is a 10 week course for recent graduates. jfracchia@ithaca.edu