United Way Day of Caring Food & Personal Items Drive


Contributed by Deborah Mohlenhoff

Ithaca College is once again partnering with the United Way in support of the annual Day of Caring. This year, the Day of Caring is being dedicated to the late Stephen E. Garner, President & CEO of Tompkins Trust Company, who served as a Campaign Chair and Board Chair. Steve was an active and engaged leader who strongly believed in helping others.

Last year, the United Way collected over 7 tons of goods that were distributed in conjunction with its partner organization, the Food Bank of the Southern Tier.

Beginning September 11th, donation bins will be placed on campus in the following locations:
Smiddy/CHS lobby, Park North Entrance, Campus Center North Entrance, Muller North Entrance, Baker Walkway to Whalen, College Circle Community Building, Garden 27 Mail Room, Fitness Center, Egbert Dining Hall, Terrace Dining Hall and Towers Dining Hall.

Items on the wish list include:

Canned fruit and fruit juices
Canned meats including tuna, stews, raviolis, sloppy joes,
One-box meals, tuna, hamburger helpers
Boxed macaroni and cheese
Instant potatoes
Beverages (coffee, tea, juice, canned milk)
Pasta or spaghetti sauce
Soups, boxes of crackers
Peanut butter
Canned vegetables

Personal Care and Household Items
Diapers – sizes 3, 4, 5 and 6
Liquid laundry detergent
30-gallon trash bags
Shampoo and conditioner
Bar soap, Deodorants
Toilet paper, paper towels, and tissue
Feminine pads and tampons
Toothbrushes and toothpaste

Help Ithaca College support United Way by particpating in this annual drive. Look for more information to come on the college's United Way Campaign Kickoff on September 29th.

For more information, contact Deb Mohlenhoff at [mailto:dmohlen@ithaca.edu].

