Put someone in the Senior Spotlight!


Contributed by Kelly Stevens

Recognize/embarrass your friends on the class of 2007 website!

We want to stand on rooftops and shout the praises of our fellow seniors. Unfortunately, the college thought that presented a bit of a liability problem, so we came up with the senior spotlight instead.

Send us a picture and a small description of something legendary that someone from the class of 2007 is doing, and we'll post it the class of 2007 website, www.ithaca.edu/2007.

So if you have a friend that just won a fancy scholarship or finally figured out how to work the dishwasher correctly, we want to know about it. You know you've made it big when you're on the information super-highway.

All seniors who make it to the senior spotlight will get a free class of 2007 t-shirt and will also be entered into a drawing for a great prize at the end of the semester!

Want to shine a spotlight on a senior? Email us at icclassof2007@ithaca.edu or 2007@ithaca.edu

~The Senior Class

