City of Ithaca Aurora Street Construction Update


Contributed by Robert Holt

Today, September 14, 2006, the City of Ithaca released an update on the Aurora Street Sanitary Sewer Installation Project. The affected area on Aurora Street for this part of the project will be from the intersection of Hudson Street to Prospect Street.

We are told that the start of the project will be at 7:00 A.M. on Monday September 18, 2006. The city is projecting the completion date for this part of the project to be Friday, September 29.

"LOCAL IMPACT: There has been a change by the city from the original announcement in that for approximately a two-week period South Aurora Street between Hudson Street and Prospect Street will be closed to thru traffic weekdays during the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. The street will be opened daily at or before 5:00 P.M."

"RECOMMENDED DETOURS: Southbound traffic on South Aurora Street to turn left (east) on Hudson Street then right (west) on Grandview Avenue, then left (south) back on to South Aurora Street. Detour signs will be posted."

"North bound traffic on South Aurora Street to turn left (west) on Prospect Street which transitions to East Clinton Street, then right (north) on to South Cayuga Street, then right (east) on to East Green Street. Detour signs will be posted."