Compensation Project - Workload Survey for Staff & Administrators


Contributed by Tanisha Malone

Submitted by Tanisha Graves for Carl Sgrecci, Vice President for Finance and Administration

As you are aware, this year we began the process of reviewing the College’s compensation programs and practices. A series of focus group sessions were held in January and February, and Karen Hutcheson, our project manager from Segal/Sibson, reported the results of those findings in May. To date, we have accomplished a great deal toward completing a new design and structure of our compensation program, and we will keep you informed of our progress over the next few months. Our plan is to begin utilizing our new program beginning early in 2007.

As a result of the focus groups, we are also evaluating the issue of staff and department workloads. At this time, we are seeking input from staff to help us fully measure the extent to which workload issues present challenges on a regular or occasional basis.

We have asked Segal/Sibson to facilitate an anonymous survey which can be taken either electronically or on paper. We encourage you to participate in this short survey, and we are confident the results will better inform future policy decisions that may have an impact on staffing.

The survey, which should take no more than 10-15 minutes, can be completed online. To do so, please click on the link below:

Workload Survey

Employees who do not have an email account will receive a paper copy of the survey and a return envelope. For those employees with email accounts who do not wish to complete the survey online, he/she may request a paper copy through the Office of Human Resources, Compensation Department. For assistance, please contact Cindy Reckdenwald or Maura Fetsko at extensions 4-3083 or 4-3483. The survey is available beginning today, September 18, 2006, through Friday, September 29, 2006. Surveys completed in written form should be mailed to:

Attn: Peter Martel
116 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02116

Thank you for taking the time to assist us in this important effort.