There will be a celebration in your honor on Tuesday, October 3rd at 12pm in the Klingenstein Lounge. (RSVP: e-mail OR call 274-3245)
During the celebration we will recognize the Fitwell IC teams/team members, hand out prizes and enjoy light refreshments. Please feel free to bring your lunch!
Thank you so much for participating in the first BeneFITS…your life Wellness Program. We would also like to thank everyone who enabled his or her employees to take part in Fitwell IC. It was a very successful program with the help from all of you.
If you don’t know what the BeneFITS…your life - Fitwell IC program is… you missed out on the fun! Check out the web site for more information – and take note of all your colleagues who participated in Fitwell IC. While making fitness and wellness a part of their healthy lifestyle, they energized their mind, body and spirit… and HAD A TON OF FUN!
We hope everyone is keeping up with the hard work and dedication towards their healthy lifestyle. Make sure to watch for the fall BeneFITS…your life program that will be starting mid-October. All Ithaca College staff and faculty are encouraged to participate! We hope to see you then!