Ithaca College is currently engaged in a comprehensive self-study as part of the process for reaccreditation by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, the unit of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools that accredits degree-granting colleges and universities in our region.
President Williams has appointed a Steering Committee composed of faculty, staff and students, with Marian MacCurdy, Professor of Writing in the School of Humanities and Sciences and William Pelto, Associate Dean of the School of Music as co-chairs. The group began its work this past spring with the development of a series of self-study questions based on a set of fourteen standards developed by Middle States as a guide for colleges and universities to use in self-examination of their progress and processes.
A reaccreditation self-study design statement was then developed and submitted to Middle States on June 1 for final approval. A copy can be found at The study includes the questions developed by the Steering Committee that will be used to examine the College’s effectiveness in meeting the intention of Middle States' standards. Six task forces composed of faculty, staff, and students have been created to carry out the self-study's research phase during the next four months. Following a kick-off meeting last Tuesday, the task forces have begun to seek answers to the questions posed by the design statement. Their work will eventually lead to a report due for submission to Middle States prior to a visit in spring 2008 by a survey team composed of colleagues from peer institutions.
For more information on the process, visit