“Beyond CNN: Indy Media Interventions, New Visual Imageries, and the Iraq War,” a series of experimental and documentary work on the occupation of Iraq, will screen on Monday, October 2nd at 7:00 p.m. in the Park Hall Auditorium as the second event of the Global Fury/Global Fear: Engaging Muslims series for the Center for the Study of Culture, Race and Ethnicity. The screening will be followed by a panel
This screening features work produced outside of the U.S. commercial mass media by experimental artists, international independent media producers, and indy media centers in Iraq. Works by Tony Cokes, Deep Dish TV, Iraq Indy Media, and Code Pink will be shown.
This screening is a Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival Encore Program and is supported by the Ithaca College library, the Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity, and the Division of Interdisciplinary and International Studies. The screening was programmed by Patricia Zimmermann and Thomas Shevory, co-directors of the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival.