As a result of its investigation, the Ithaca College Office of Public Safety has identified the two unknown males who were the subject of a Public Safety Alert after being observed in the doorway of an Emerson Hall residence hall room on Sunday, October 1. The subjects were identified as a student and his visitor, a non-student. As a consequence of the incident, the student was referred judicially and the non-student has been banned from the college campus.
The identity of the subject who entered a room in the West Tower at about 5:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 30, remains unknown. The resident of the room described the subject as possibly being a male, wearing a dark hooded zip-up sweatshirt with the hood over the head, and sweatpants.
Anyone with information about this incident is asked to contact the Office of Public Safety at 274-3333. Students are reminded to keep their residence hall room doors locked at all times for their own safety.