With the semester already half over, finals and deadlines are going to be here sooner than you can imagine. Already feeling stressed? A combination of too much work, not enough sleep or exercise, and those fast-approaching holiday blues may have some of you in a rut. Don’t give up -- contact the Exercise Professionals Majors Club!
We are a club of exercise science, clinical exercise science, and athletic training majors in the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance, dedicated to launching wellness across campus, in both students and faculty. Whether you’re looking for exercises for the workplace, healthy snacks, new work out plans, relaxation tips, motivation, etc., we can help you.
All you need to do is have someone from your department or office contact one of our
board members with ideas about what you would like to learn. We will customize a short presentation for you tailored to your wants and needs. So, if you’re looking for a way to keep your stress in check and you health in high gear during finals and the holiday season, get a jump start now by contacting the Exercise Professionals Majors Club!
President - Stasi Kasianchuk
Vice President and Finance Manager/Financial Officer - Cassie Roma
Executive Board Member & Athletic Training Representative - Amy Jennings
Executive Board Member - Tina Hunt
Executive Board Member - Beth Colucci