Jean Hardwick and her students, Nancy Andersen ('07) and Meghan McManus (Dec '06) attended the the annual Society for Neuroscience meetings in Atlanta GA.
The students presented results from their research in the lab during the academic year and summer.
Poster presentations:
Main meeting poster
Jean Hardwick, Nancy Andersen ('07), Ryan Bochacki ('07), and Andrew Kelley ('06).
"Nitric oxide actions and NOS regulation in the guinea pig cardiac ganglion"
Presented at the Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience Poster Session
Meghan McManus (Dec '06) and Jean Hardwick
"cGMP increases the response to histamine in guinea pig intracardiac neurons"
Two other IC students contributed data to the presentations; Ryan Bochacki ('07) and Andrew Kelley ('06)
The student attendance at the meeting was funded by the Ithaca Fund and Jean Hardwick's NIH grant.