Share the Warmth: Clothing Collection


Contributed by Deborah Mohlenhoff

As we make that transition from Fall to Winter, now is the perfect time to dig through your drawers or sort through your closet and find those clothes that you never wear or those blankets you never use and donate them to those in need this Winter season!

Help Tompkins County meet its goal of collecting 2,000 blankets to keep Ithaca residents warm this season by participating in the Share the Warmth campaign right here on campus.

You can also donate any new or gently used shirts, pants, sweaters, gloves, hats, scarves, and jackets as well, but blankets are highly encouraged. The campaign kicks off Monday, October 30th and runs through Wednesday, November 8th. To donate, place any items in the big blue bins labeled “Share the Warmth” at any of these on-campus locations:
Campus Center Lobby
Muller Center
Center for Health Sciences
Student Activities Center
Park Lobby
Music School
Laundry rooms in all Terraces, East & West Tower, Garden Apartments, and Circle Apartments
TV lounges in all upper and lower Quads and Emerson Hall

It’s that easy! All staff, faculty, and students are encouraged to help IC keep those in need warm this winter season, so start digging through those clothes! We will also be sorting the clothes from 3PM-6PM Wednesday, November 8th in the IC Square fishbowl area. All staff, faculty, and students are welcome to come have some pizza and help us sort through the clothes. Please contact Megan Bauer at if you’re interested in helping.

The Share the Warmth campaign at Ithaca College is being sponsored by the Ithaca College Center for Student Leadership and Involvement with the help of Mark Darling and the Office of Recycling.

For more information contact the Center for Student Leadership and Involvement
319 Egbert Hall