Baroque vocal ornamentation presentation this Thursday


Contributed by Melissa Howe

The Student NATS chapter of IC will host a presentation on Baroque Vocal Ornamentation by Jennifer Kay on November 9th at 7pm in room 3302 in the Whalen Center for Music.

Faculty member Jennifer Kay will present a program on baroque vocal ornamentation this Thursday evening for vocal students as well as any other students and faculty interested in this topic.

The presentation will include a bibliography, a short talk on the stylistic differences (especially between italian and french ornamentation) and possibly ending with group composing of ornaments.

The program is hosted by the newly founded Student NATS organization. NATS is the National Association for Teachers of Singing.

The presentation will be held in the Whalen Center for Music in room 3302 on Thursday, November 9th at 7pm.

Any questions; Please contact Melissa Howe (