Film, Theatre, Photography, and Dance Summer Programs in Rome


Contributed by Melissa Gattine

The Department of Cinema, Photography & Media Arts is working with the Cornell University Summer Program in Theatre, Film and Dance to offer summer programs in Rome. Courses in photography, film, dance, and theatre will be offered.

Information Session:
Thursday, November 16
4-6 pm
Park 220

In July of 2007, the Department of Cinema, Photography & Media Arts moves its Photography Summer Program from Florence to Rome, Italy under the guidance of Assistant Professor Nick Muellner. In addition, Assistant Professor Cathy Crane will be teaching a course in Film Editing in the new interdisciplinary Cornell Summer Program in Theatre, Film & Dance.

Both programs are housed at the Cornell facilities in the 17th Century Palazzo Lazzaroni, located in the beautiful and historic center of the city. Ithaca College students in Departments of Theatre, Film, Dance, or Photography as well as those with an interest in Cinema Studies are encouraged to apply.

The Photography course provides students with an opportunity to continue their photographic work in the rich cultural setting of Rome. Students would enroll through the Ithaca College International Programs division.

Students enrolled in the film component, taught by Ithaca College Assistant Professor Cathy Crane, would extend the work from their studies in Architectural space into the domain of Cinematic Space as constructed through the art of editing.

Ithaca College students interested in the Cornell Program in Theatre, Film & Dance would enroll through Cornell University. This interdisciplinary program is grounded in a shared course on the study of Architecture and public spaces throughout Rome. This core course will also be open to students enrolled in the Photography Program through Ithaca College. Students in all four disciplines will be encouraged to collaborate with one another on their respective final projects.

For more information, please join Cathy Crane, Nick Muellner, and Byron Suber, director of the Cornell Summer Program in Theatre, Film & Dance on November 16 at Park 220 from 4-6 p.m. For more information, contact or