If you will be studying abroad in the spring on an affiliated, non-affiliated, or exchange program, and you have not yet met with Rachel Cullenen in the Office of International Programs, please be sure to schedule an appointment with her ASAP to go over required paperwork. If this paperwork is not done, you may not be able to get credit for your study abroad program.
In addition to meeting with Rachel Cullenen in International Programs, all students going abroad on an affiliated, non-affiliated, or exchange program must attend a series of two study abroad orientations.
The remaining sessions will be held at the following times - each student must attend one of the "Ithaca College Details" Sessions, and one of the "Traveling Abroad" sessions:
Ithaca College Details
Tuesday, November 28, 12:10-1:00, Textor 101
Thursday, December 7, 12:10-1:00, Textor 101
Traveling Abroad
Thursday, November 30, 12:10-1:00, Textor 101
Tuesday, December 5, 12:10-1:00, Textor 101
To schedule an appointment with Rachel Cullenen, please call the Office of International Programs at 274-3306 or email Mimi Allen at [mailto:mmallen@ithaca.edu].