Is all matter in the universe actually composed of inconceivably tiny filaments of vibrating energy? One of the most exciting scientific adventures of all time is the search for the ultimate nature of physical reality. In the past century this hunt has yielded relativity and quantum mechanics, two theories that radically altered our picture of space, time, gravity, and the fundamental building blocks of matter. The latest theory in that venture is called Superstring Theory. It seeks to resolve some of the surprising discrepancies between relativity and quantum mechanics.
While teaching, pursuing research, and writing scientific papers over the past two decades, Dr. Gates has also presented more than 100 public talks on string theory, honing a set of visual aids designed to convey to a lay audience the challenging mathematical ideas that underlie this subject.
The Physics Café is a campus-wide lecture series sponsored by the physics department of Ithaca College. The idea is to grab and hold the attention of science and non-science majors by offering talks on exciting and accessible current topics in physics. Past Café lectures have featured the time-warping properties of black holes, the exploration of the planet Mars, the communication of elephants, and remote sensing of archaeological sites. The talks are presented in a café environment, where coffee is served and students and physicists can informally discuss new ideas.
The lecture is free and open to the public. There are no prerequisites! No requirements! Everyone is welcome! Starbucks coffee (caffeinated and decaffeinated) will be served, along with cookies and biscuits. An informal talk-back session with the speaker will immediately follow the presentation.
Come and join us for an exciting look at the weird side of real-world physics. Who knows? Maybe you'll be so fascinated you'll want to take a physics class next semester.
Contact: Professor Beth Ellen Clark Joseph
Center for Natural Sciences, Room 267
Physics, Ithaca College
phone: (607) 274-3968